January 8, 2020

California – The National Day of Racial Healing

Event Title
The National Day of Racial Healing
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
4:00 pm
Event Time End
5:30 pm
Event Website
Event Location
{"address":"70 W. Hedding St. San Jose Ca. The Government Center at Isaac Newton Senter","lat":37.3524447,"lng":-121.9038797,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJmwAcsH_Lj4ARvdSJdyGrb6E","street_number":"70","street_name":"West Hedding Street","street_name_short":"W Hedding St","city":"San Jose","state":"California","state_short":"CA","post_code":"95110","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
The County of Santa Clara commemorates January 2020 as a month of racial healing in our community… We invite you to join in the movement!