January 13, 2020

California – Supporting Immigrants – Then and Now

Event Title
Supporting Immigrants – Then and Now
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
5:30 pm
Event Time End
7:00 pm
Event Website
Is this a digital/national event?
No – this is a local event with a specific address
Event Location
{"address":"388 9th Street, Suite 290, Oakland, CA 94607 ","lat":37.8004548,"lng":-122.2717025,"zoom":3,"place_id":"EiczODggOXRoIFN0ICMyOTAsIE9ha2xhbmQsIENBIDk0NjA3LCBVU0EiHxodChYKFAoSCUnAu3y2gI-AET_xyBM3rgyIEgMyOTA","street_number":"388","street_name":"9th Street","street_name_short":"9th St","city":"Oakland","state":"California","state_short":"CA","post_code":"94607","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
Educational panel co-hosted by AIISF and APIAHF focusing on the untold histories of immigrants from 1910 to present day.