January 13, 2020

Illinois – National Day of Racial Healing: When Paths Cross

Event Title
National Day of Racial Healing: When Paths Cross
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
12:00 pm
Event Time End
1:30 pm
Event Website
Is this a digital/national event?
No – this is a local event with a specific address
Event Location
{"address":"Columbia College of Chicago – Hokin Gallery – 623 S Wabash Avenue, Chicago","lat":41.8742327,"lng":-87.62483379999999,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJT6jWuJgsDogRtQixeKA67IM","street_number":"600","street_name":"South Michigan Avenue","street_name_short":"S Michigan Ave","city":"Chicago","state":"Illinois","state_short":"IL","post_code":"60605","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
Together, we’ll address what it takes to reclaim our beautiful city through a racial healing circle that invites empathy to heal us all.