December 23, 2019

Arkansas – Inaugural Observance of NDORH in the State of Arkansas

Event Title
Inaugural Observance of NDORH in the State of Arkansas
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
9:30 am
Event Time End
10:30 am
Event Website
Event Location
{"address":"500 Woodlane St, Little Rock, AR 72201","lat":34.7469598,"lng":-92.28904999999997,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJF3Bf3Fu70ocRhokUl4FeXmw","street_number":"500","street_name":"Woodlane Street","street_name_short":"Woodlane St","city":"Little Rock","state":"Arkansas","state_short":"AR","post_code":"72201","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
A public observance, at the State Capitol, about the importance of truth, racial healing and transformation.