December 18, 2019

Virginia – Community Planning Workshop: The African American Experience circa 1900 at Maymont

Event Title
Community Planning Workshop: The African American Experience circa 1900 at Maymont
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
4:00 pm
Event Time End
6:00 pm
Event Website
Event Location
{"address":"Maymont Park 1700 Hampton St. Richmond, VA Garden Hall","lat":37.5365776,"lng":-77.47811239999999,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJI8TfDdkTsYkRxHehhLjBGEM","street_number":"1700","street_name":"Hampton Street","street_name_short":"Hampton St","city":"Richmond","state":"Virginia","state_short":"VA","post_code":"23220","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
Share your ideas and experiences during a community discussion to help plan for a broader, more in-depth African American narrative at Maymo