January 22, 2020

New York – National Day of Racial Healing

Event Title
National Day of Racial Healing
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
11:00 am
Event Time End
12:00 pm
Event Website
Is this a digital/national event?
No – this is a local event with a specific address
Event Location
{"address":"30 Church St Rochester, NY 14614","lat":43.1569922,"lng":-77.6148954,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJAbvLa1a01okRVyg4TMNY25I","street_number":"30","street_name":"Church Street","street_name_short":"Church St","city":"Rochester","state":"New York","state_short":"NY","post_code":"14614","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
Join us as we look at the work we’ve accomplished over the past year and what we hope to accomplish in the future as we answer the call from