January 9, 2020

Ohio – National Day of Racial Healing Community Gathering

Event Title
National Day of Racial Healing Community Gathering
Event Date
Event Time Group
Event Time Start
3:00 pm
Event Time End
7:00 pm
Event Website
Event Location
{"address":"2400 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45202","lat":39.1256616,"lng":-84.50159599999999,"zoom":3,"place_id":"ChIJj2zj_sGzQYgR4hiCT9CQ3kQ","street_number":"2400","street_name":"Reading Road","street_name_short":"Reading Rd","city":"Cincinnati","state":"Ohio","state_short":"OH","post_code":"45202","country":"United States","country_short":"US"}
Event Description
United Way in Cincinnati, OH welcomes you to engage in an experience informed by the past, while building a more aware and inclusive future.